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Christian Nold
This essay is the logical follow up to the Mobile Vulgus book which critically examines the role of media in structuring political street manifestations.
It presents a history of the crowd as mediated and structured by visulisation technologies. It examines the emergence of photography and the internet as crucial marker points for the political imagination.
Published in Making Things Public by MIT edited by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel.
Available for download soon
Christian Nold christian@softhook.com
Last Updated 3/3/2011
It has been an enourmous long time since I last updated this! I have never been a blog person, and felt irritated by the way new media culture pushes us to be constantly visible to the world. Recently though I kept getting email from people wondering what I was up to. So today is my birthday and I have finally given in :) . So a quick update I am excited about what Rob van Kranenburg and I are calling the Internet of People - which will be a book coming out in the next few months. I am also exstatic about trying to build and map alternative currencies. Take a look at the Bijlmer Euro project. In the last year I have also been building a unique mapping software called Sensory Journeys and the Town Toolkits for which I will build a proper site. On Saturday I am off to Helsinki for the Pixeache festival where I am preseting some work but more importantly working on and island toolkit for the next year. More info soon...